Horarios cursos 2024

Quinto Básico

5° básico C

5° básico D

5° básico E


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08.00-08.45 English Art and Craft English Mathematics Ed. History and Geography.
08.45-09.30 English Art and Craft English Mathematics Ed. History and Geography.
Recreo 09.30 a 09.45 (15 min)
09.45-10.30 History and Geography. Language and Communitation Natural Science Physical Ed. Technological
10.30-11.15 History and Geography. Language and Communitation Natural Science Physical Ed. Language and Communication
Recreo 11.15 a 11.30 (15 min)
11.30-12.15 Music Mathematics Ed. Language and Communitation Religion Natural Science
12.15-13.00 Music Mathematics Ed. Language and Communitation Religion Natural Science


 Almuerzo Lunes a Jueves  13.00 a 14.00 hrs.                                                          Salida Alumnado: 13.00 hrs.


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
14.00 – 14.45 Language and Communitation Physical Ed. Mathematics Ed. English
14.45-15.30 Language and Communitation Physical Ed. Mathematics Ed. English
                               Recreo 15.30 a 15.45 hrs. Salida alumnado 15.30 hrs.
15.45 a 16.30  Mathematics Ed Orientation  
                                    Salida Alumnado 16.30 hrs.



Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08.00-08.45 Language and Communitation English English Mathematics Ed. Natural Science
08.45-09.30 Language and Communitation English English Language and Communication Natural Science
Recreo 09.30 a 09.45 (15 min)
09.45-10.30 Music Mathematics Ed. Language and Communitation Physical Ed. Language and Communitation
10.30-11.15 Music Mathematics Ed. Language and Communitation Physical Ed. Language and Communitation
Recreo 11.15 a 11.30 (15 min)
11.30-12.15 Mathematics Ed. Art and Craft History and Geography. Natural Science Mathematics Ed.
12.15-13.00 Mathematics Ed. Art and Craft History and Geography. Natural Science Mathematics Ed.


                                               Almuerzo Lunes a Jueves  13.00 a 14.00 hrs.                                                      Salida Alumnado: 13.00 hrs.


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
14.00 – 14.45 English Physical Ed. Religion History and Geography.
14.45-15.30 English Physical Ed. Religion History and Geography.
                               Recreo 15.30 a 15.45 hrs.  Salida alumnado 15.30 hrs.
15.45 a 16.30 Orientation Technological  
                                       Salida Alumnado 16.30 hrs.




Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08.00-08.45 Natural Science Physical Ed. Mathematics Ed. History and Geography. Technological
08.45-09.30 Natural Science Physical Ed. Mathematics Ed. History and Geography. Mathematics Ed.
Recreo 09.30 a 09.45 (15 min)
09.45-10.30 English Natural Science Religion English English
10.30-11.15 English Natural Science Religion English English
Recreo 11.15 a 11.30 (15 min)
11.30-12.15 Music History and Geography. Art and Craft Language and Communitation Language and Communitation
12.15-13.00 Music History and Geography. Art and Craft Language and Communitation Language and Communitation


Almuerzo Lunes a Jueves  13.00 a 14.00 hrs.                                                         Salida Alumnado: 13.00 hrs.


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
14.00 – 14.45 Language and Communitation Mathematics Ed. Physical Ed. Mathematics Ed.
14.45-15.30 Language and Communitation Mathematics Ed. Physical Ed. Mathematics Ed.
                               Recreo 15.30 a 15.45 hrs. Salida alumnado 15.30 hrs.
15.45 a 16.30 Orientation Language and Communication  

5° básico F



Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08.00-08.45 Music Physical Ed. Religion Natural Science Language and Communitation
08.45-09.30 Music Physical Ed. Religion Natural Science Mathematics Ed.
Recreo 09.30 a 09.45 (15 min)
09.45-10.30 Mathematics Ed. Natural Science Mathematics Ed. Language and Communitation History and Geography.
10.30-11.15 Mathematics Ed. Natural Science Mathematics Ed. Language and Communitation History and Geography.
Recreo 11.15 a 11.30 (15 min)
11.30-12.15 Art and Craft Language and Communitation Language and Communitation Mathematics Ed. English
12.15-13.00 Art and Craft Language and Communitation Language and Communitation Mathematics Ed. English


 Almuerzo Lunes a Jueves  13.00 a 14.00 hrs.                                                         Salida Alumnado: 13.00 hrs.


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
14.00 – 14.45 History and Geography. English Physical Ed. English
14.45-15.30 History and Geography. English Physical Ed. English
                               Recreo 15.30 a 15.45 hrs. Salida alumnado 15.30 hrs.
15.45 a 16.30 Technological Orientation  
                                      Salida Alumnado  16.30 hrs.

Sexto Básico

6° básico A

6° básico B

6° básico C


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08.00-08.45 Mathematics Ed. Natural Science English Natural Science Language and Communitation
08.45-09.30 Mathematics Ed. Natural Science English Natural Science Language and Communitation
Recreo 09.30 a 09.45 (15 min)
09.45-10.30 Physical Ed. History and Geography. Mathematics Ed. English Mathematics Ed
10.30-11.15 Physical Ed. History and Geography. Technological English Mathematics Ed
Recreo 11.15 a 11.30 (15 min)
11.30-12.15 Religion Language and Communitation Physical Ed. Mathematics Ed. Music
12.15-13.00 Religion Language and Communitation Physical Ed. Mathematics Ed. Music


  Almuerzo Lunes a Jueves  13.00 a 14.00 hrs.                                   Salida Alumnado: 13.00 hrs.


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
14.00 – 14.45 Art and Craft English Language and Communitation History and Geography.
14.45-15.30 Art and Craft English Language and Communitation History and Geography.
                               Recreo 15.30 a 15.45 hrs. Salida alumnado  15.30 hrs.
15.45 a 16.30 Language and Communitation Orientation  
                                      Salida Alumnado    16.30 hrs.



Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08.00-08.45 Technological . Mathematics Ed. History and Geography. Religion Language and Communitation
08.45-09.30 Language and Communitation Mathematics Ed. History and Geography. Religion Language and Communitation
Recreo 09.30 a 09.45 (15 min)
09.45-10.30 Physical Ed. Art and Craft Language and Communitation Mathematics Ed English
10.30-11.15 Physical Ed. Art and Craft Language and Communitation Mathematics Ed English
Recreo 11.15 a 11.30 (15 min)
11.30-12.15 English English Physical Ed. Language and Communitation Natural Science
12.15-13.00 English English Physical Ed. Language and Communitation Natural Science


                                                Almuerzo Lunes a Jueves  13.00 a 14.00 hrs.                                         Salida Alumnado: 13.00 hrs.


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
14.00 – 14.45 Music History and Geography. Mathematics Ed Natural Science
14.45-15.30 Music History and Geography. Mathematics Ed Natural Science
                               Recreo 15.30 a 15.45 hrs. Salida alumnado 15.30 hrs.
15.45 a 16.30 Mathematics Ed Orientation  
                                     Salida Alumnado 16.30 hrs.




Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08.00-08.45 Language and Communitation Orientation Mathematics Ed Language and Communitation History and Geography.
08.45-09.30 Technological Mathematics Ed. Mathematics Ed Language and Communitation History and Geography.
Recreo 09.30 a 09.45 (15 min)
09.45-10.30 Natural Science Physical Ed. History and Geography. Mathematics Ed Physical Ed.
10.30-11.15 Natural Science Physical Ed. History and Geography. Mathematics Ed Physical Ed.
Recreo 11.15 a 11.30 (15 min)
11.30-12.15 Mathematics Ed Language and Communitation Natural Science Art and Craft English
12.15-13.00 Mathematics Ed Language and Communitation Natural Science Art and Craft English


 Almuerzo Lunes a Jueves  13.00 a 14.00 hrs.                               Salida Alumnado: 13.00 hrs.


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
14.00 – 14.45 English Music Language and Communitation English
14.45-15.30 English Music Language and Communitation English
                               Recreo 15.30 a 15.45 hrs Salida alumnado 15.30 hrs.
15.45 a 16.30 Religion Religion  
                       Salida Alumnado 16.30 hrs.


6° básico D

6° básico E



Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08.00-08.45 English Art and Craft Technological Mathematics Ed Music
08.45-09.30 English Art and Craft Language and Communitation Mathematics Ed Music
Recreo 09.30 a 09.45 (15 min)
09.45-10.30 Religion Physical Ed. Natural Science History and Geography. Physical Ed.
10.30-11.15 Religion Physical Ed. Natural Science History and Geography. Physical Ed.
Recreo 11.15 a 11.30 (15 min)
11.30-12.15 Language and Communitation Mathematics Ed Mathematics Ed English History and Geography.
12.15-13.00 Language and Communitation Mathematics Ed Mathematics Ed English History and Geography.


                                     Almuerzo Lunes a Jueves  13.00 a 14.00 hrs.                                                                    Salida Alumnado: 13.00 hrs


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
14.00 – 14.45 Natural Science Language and Communitation English Language and Communitation
14.45-15.30 Natural Science Language and Communitation English Language and Communitation
                               Recreo 15.30 a 15.45 hrs.  Salida alumnado 15.30 hrs.
15.45 a 16.30 Mathematics Ed Orientation  
                                   Salida Alumnado  16.30 hrs.





Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08.00-08.45 History and Geography. Language and Communitation Language and Communitation English English
08.45-09.30 History and Geography. Language and Communitation Language and Communitation English English
Recreo 09.30 a 09.45 (15 min)
09.45-10.30 Art and Craft Mathematics Ed Physical Ed. Religion Music
10.30-11.15 Art and Craft Mathematics Ed Physical Ed. Religion Music
Recreo 11.15 a 11.30 (15 min)
11.30-12.15 Physical Ed. Natural Science History and Geography. Language and Communitation Mathematics Ed
12.15-13.00 Physical Ed. Natural Science History and Geography. Language and Communitation Mathematics Ed


                                               Almuerzo Lunes a Jueves  13.00 a 14.00 hrs.                                                    Salida Alumnado: 13.00 hrs.


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
14.00 – 14.45  Language and Communitation Orientation Natural Science Mathematics Ed
14.45-15.30 Mathematics Ed Technological Natural Science Mathematics Ed
                               Recreo 15.30 a 15.45 hrs. Salida alumnado 15.30 hrs.
15.45 a 16.30 English English  
                                      Salida Alumnado 16.30 hrs.